Latest News
Joy in a Blizzard
Love in Action hosts dozens of food trucks each year, feeding from 7,000 to 10,000 people. We recently learned that there are a surprising number of unserved households lacking food in Fruitport.
Love in Action Community Co-op Thriving!
The Community Co-op is in its fourth month already. We are thrilled by the supportive community that is forming! Over 140 households are represented, with over 300 new members being served.
Hope in the Midst of Community
Living alone for years now, Charles had become adept at tackling challenges one step at a time. Yet, recent events had tested his resilience.
Hope Restored
Wendy McGregor, Love in Action’s Director of Housing, recalls reading a children’s book called “Heartprints” at Hope House, our sheltered housing for women and children. The story expresses that when we are kind and show love to one another, we leave an impression that is passed on.
Making a Difference
Love in Action is known for creating a hand up, a path forward for those in need, in a word—empowerment. But empowerment only works when we truly care. During the Christmas season, we lost one of our most dedicated partners, Dorothy Raha. Dorothy served in many roles but especially as the care coordinator for St Mary’s Parish in Spring Lake, dating back to the 1960’s.