616.846.2701 love@loveinactiontricities.org

Joy in a Blizzard

Joy in a Blizzard

Love in Action hosts dozens of food trucks each year, feeding from 7,000 to 10,000 people. We recently learned that there are a surprising number of unserved households lacking food in Fruitport. LIA’s newest pantry is at Calvary Church in Fruitport. On January 9, Calvary Church hosted its first food truck during a blizzard. Seeing 40 excited volunteers from a local church come out and serve despite the blizzard was powerful. With snow blowing sideways across the parking lot, they directed traffic, handed out warm mugs of cocoa, and filled each car with milk, fresh produce and other needed food. By the end of the evening they had served 126 households (almost 300 people). What a blessing to our community. Thank you to a very-motivated and generous church for caring so much. 

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Thank you for your gift. Lives are changed, not merely because resources make a difference, but also because compassion does.

Donation Impact

  • ♥ $25 one month of Backpack Blessings
  • ♥ $50 One night of shelter including meals and support
  • ♥ $231 cost per patient visit at the Health/Dental Clinic
  • ♥ $200 one week’s worth of groceries
  • ♥ $270 average cost of utility assistance
  • ♥ $10300 average cost of rental support

Love in Action is a non-profit ministry organized as a 501c3 in the State of Michigan.