616.846.2701 love@loveinactiontricities.org

Resale Store Renovation

LIA's Spring Lake Resale Store Gets a Much-needed Makeover

As you drive through Spring Lake, you may have noticed that our beloved LIA Resale
Store is undergoing a significant renovation. Thanks to the generous volunteer work of Brock Hesselsweet and Jenny Sutherland, along with the expert guidance of Koster-Steigenga Builders and the support of numerous other contractors, this historic building is truly being transformed.

We’re also grateful to our friends at RAMI for offering a matching grant of $50,000 to help complete this project. This generous offer has inspired dozens of individual donors to contribute and make a real difference in
our community. Additionally, we’d like to express our sincere gratitude to the Loutit Foundation for their ongoing support.

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Thank you for your gift. Lives are changed, not merely because resources make a difference, but also because compassion does.

Donation Impact

  • ♥ $25 one month of Backpack Blessings
  • ♥ $50 One night of shelter including meals and support
  • ♥ $231 cost per patient visit at the Health/Dental Clinic
  • ♥ $200 one week’s worth of groceries
  • ♥ $270 average cost of utility assistance
  • ♥ $1100 average cost of rental support

Love in Action is a non-profit ministry organized as a 501c3 in the State of Michigan.