616.846.2701 love@loveinactiontricities.org

Love in Action’s New Approach to Food Provision

Love in Action' New Approach to Food Provision

Over the years, Love in Action has expanded to provide many things. But food provision was our very beginning. Our goal is to make it hard to be hungry in the Tri-Cities. While in our blessed community, food is available for most of us; we work to make sure it’s available for all. In the next few months, Love in Action will launch a new approach to food provision—the LIA Community Co-op. The Co-op is a membership-based community center that will offer access to resources, educational opportunities, and a Food Market that provides members with choices and healthy food options. Food needs in our area are extremely high right now. Here are a few facts about the challenge of food insecurity and what LIA is doing about it: 

Our Challenges

  • Food insecurity affects 9% of our community each year or just under 5,000 people!  
  • Children and students are more likely to lack food than the rest of us and can easily go unnoticed.   
  • Fresh produce and whole foods are often harder to access for neighbors with limited means.  

Our Strategy

  • Backpack Blessings makes food available to students on weekends when school programs are unavailable.  
  • LIA pantries provide a week’s worth of groceries to local households in need. With ten pantries open each week, there is food available daily.  
  • Grace Gardens and a network of fresh food partners are on-ramps for fresh produce to help make whole food available, especially when in season.  
  • Bi-weekly mobile food distributions provide additional fresh produce for between 700-900 homes each month.  
  • LIA volunteers regularly bring food directly to those who are unable to leave their homes.  
  • The Community Co-op, coming this fall, will provide a membership-based site for shopping alongside nutrition, cooking and other educational offerings and support services.  

Last year, LIA provided 368,000 meals to the Tri-Cities! Each month in 2023 we are serving between 15-40% more. We cannot thank you enough for all the good you help us accomplish! 

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Thank you for your gift. Lives are changed, not merely because resources make a difference, but also because compassion does.

Donation Impact

  • ♥ $25 one month of Backpack Blessings
  • ♥ $50 One night of shelter including meals and support
  • ♥ $231 cost per patient visit at the Health/Dental Clinic
  • ♥ $200 one week’s worth of groceries
  • ♥ $270 average cost of utility assistance
  • ♥ $1100 average cost of rental support

Love in Action is a non-profit ministry organized as a 501c3 in the State of Michigan.