616.846.2701 love@loveinactiontricities.org

Light in the Darkness

Light in the Darkness

Josh Bytwerk, Executive Director

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. These words come to us from John’s reflections about the life of Jesus. I love to think of the 150 volunteers who served together in 2019 and marvel how that number has grown to 400. Each volunteer is a little point of light, reflecting the love of Jesus as they listen to those in need; deliver food, appliances
or furniture; pack food; arrange Co-op shelving; repair buildings; provide Backpack Blessings to local schools; sort donations or any number of hundreds of other roles. Some roles, like serving at a food truck, provide opportunities to see the food, the client and the connections that are made. Others, like answering phones or advising a person experiencing homelessness, get a volunteer connected to an individual and their story. But, the goal is to be light, to empower, to take the love of Jesus and to put it into practice. This happens now more than ever.

As gas, food and housing prices have all risen, calls for assistance increased by 25% a year ago. In 2023 those calls have again increased by 30%! The amazing news is that so many of you have risen to this challenge with your hearts and with your time. More ministry, more connection and honestly more food have gone out this year than any year in our memory. We cannot thank you enough for being a part of the light even as so many families and individuals have found this to be a challenging and even dark time.

Recently I received a note in the mail from an anonymous former client who was giving back and thanking Love’s supporters for their generosity. Our housing department this week received an email from a thankful former resident who mentioned the patience and Godly love he experienced while living here. Another email came just wanting us to know how well a former Hope House guest was doing in a new ministry role at a program like LIA but in another area. Your generosity does so much good. Thank you for giving!

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Thank you for your gift. Lives are changed, not merely because resources make a difference, but also because compassion does.

Donation Impact

  • ♥ $25 one month of Backpack Blessings
  • ♥ $50 One night of shelter including meals and support
  • ♥ $231 cost per patient visit at the Health/Dental Clinic
  • ♥ $200 one week’s worth of groceries
  • ♥ $270 average cost of utility assistance
  • ♥ $1100 average cost of rental support

Love in Action is a non-profit ministry organized as a 501c3 in the State of Michigan.